5 minutes with… Vicky Grant
Vicky co-founded The Dragonfly Agency in 2011 and over the past eight years has developed the business into one of the UK’s leading direct mail agencies. With a strong international business acumen, she’s successfully delivered campaigns for clients throughout the UK and overseas.
Name: Vicky Grant
Job Title: CEO
First job in the industry: Junior Account Executive in 2002!
Area of expertise: Direct Mail, UK and International Postage
What kind of clients excite you the most? Omni channel testing and international direct marketing
If you could give one piece of print/postage advice what would it be? Be relevant/ innovative and understand your target market
What makes Dragonfly different? Our innovation, determination, drive and solid relationships
Why should people outsource DM? To take the headache away! We help manage the entire journey of a client’s campaign allowing them to focus purely on results and other channels of their marketing
What inspires you when it comes to direct mail? How relevant you can make the message and the offer. Being highly targeted allows clients to speak to their customers with messages they want to hear. Printed marketing has made a huge comeback and people actually like to receive tactile reading material, magazines, interactive one-piece mailers and interesting mail packs – especially compared to emails.
What future trends do you see for advertising mail? That it can only get better; improved profiling / targeting and working hand and glove with digital.
What is the most important thing you have learned since working in the marketing/creative industries? To always believe in what you wish to achieve, keep in touch with everyone you meet you never know when your paths will cross again – and to take the rough with the smooth.
Is there anything about Dragonfly that you think people would be surprised to know? We have our own Dragonfly Mail postal account and post all our International mail in Dragonfly branded mail sacks!
Favourite ad/marketing campaign? Sainsbury’s Christmas advert 2018 – everyone has to love the little boy dressed as a plug and throwing himself at the socket!
What gets you excited about DM? Getting more innovative with formats and route to market i.e. Direct mail through UK and International postage, door drop, partially addressed, inserts into publications and more
Dream client? Someone who likes to test new ideas is always exciting as we love nothing more than to get creative and push boundaries.