Environmental, social and governance.

Dragonfly is dedicated to using our business as a force for good for our planet, our people and the organisations we work with. Our goal is to create a culture and pathway of practices and innovation to ensure our direct marketing services have a positive, sustainable impact on the people, communities, and world around us. Our Stakeholders have been exceptionally receptive to our drive for increased diversity, resulting in exciting new partnerships and opportunities for ourselves and our clients.

Over the coming year, we plan to strengthen the relationships with our Stakeholders even further and to work with our partnerships to provide improvements and innovation in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) space.

Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability

Download our ESG Report

Find out more about our environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiative.


What we're saying about it.

“Only through collaboration can we make a significant difference.”

Anthony Bagshaw, Chairman

“It’s been incredibly rewarding to develop this employee wellbeing journey over the last 18 months. Our staff feel more engaged than ever and are excited to develop this area of our business further.”

Isla Munro, Managing Director